Reminder to take out the Candles and board games on Saturday. Official earth hour takes place between 8:30-9:30 pm. Have a great weekend everyone! Once again a great place for Live music and Family events is in the Okanagan.
Minstrel Café & Bar 4638 Lakeshore proudly presents Late Thaw March 30th 8:00pm
Talented musicians our of Lotus Land with incomparable Simon Kendall
9th Annual Wearable Art Gala Saturday March 31st 7:00-12:00am at the Laurel Packinghouse Ellis
Alter you five senses as over 50 artists challenge your sense of sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. This fun and funky adult event is not a fashion show in the traditional sense – it’s an artistic exploration of all types of body adornment. Join us at the Laurel Packinghouse for an intimate experience not seen since the early years of this event.
Small Shop Saturday in Downtown Kelowna March 31st 2012 9:00am to 10:00pm
Participating businesses Downtown Kelowna will have a special deal within their store. Whether its a percentage off, 2 for 1 or a tasting sampling Downtown will be alive with activitiy…Join the merchants of Downtown for Small Shop Saturday
Okanagan Heritage Museum presents Radio Ga Ga Saturday March 31st 12:00 to 4:00pm
Grand opening radio exhibit
Busy Women’s Express Shop Saturday March 31st 8:00am to 12:00 4409 Lakeshore Road
27 exhibitors with great variety of known home based business & locally produced items for your shopping pleasure. Refreshments and door prizes
Making Monotypes Family Sundays Kelowna Art Gallery 1314 Water Street 1-4pm
Participants are going to paint a printmaking plate to pull an individual, one of a kind print from.
Spring Fling Fair Parkinson Rec Sunday April 1st 10am to 4pm
All ages family event local artisans and local crafters
“The Shoparama” Spring Market Vernon Recreation Complex 3310 37 ave 10:00-7:00pm
The Shoparama Spring Market boosts a budding bunch of Entrepreneurs, Crafters, and Home Based Business. Baking toooo!! There will be entertainment, goodies for the kids, door prizes and a yummy concession. Admission is free, however you are invited to bring a non-perishable food item for the Food Bank. Help us make this a Special Food Bank fundraiser!
Easter Eggstravaganza March 31st 9:30 am Mount Boucherie 2751 Cameron Road
Hope down and join an egg hunt, games, crafts and more $5.00
Earth Hour Saturday March 31 8:30pm 2923 30th Ave Vernon
Bean Scene Coffee House presently local musician will be providing acoustic entertainment by candlelight.
Kelowna Rowing Club Season Opener 1449 Green Bay April 1st 7:00 am
Season Opener drop in for an early morning row and find out about the Rowing club
In the Spot Light Creekside Theatre March 31 6:00pm Lake Country 10241 Bottomwood Lake Road
Support our dancers as they showcase their amazing talents.
Okanagan Gymnastics Family Drop in March 31st 6:00-8:00 365 Hartman Road
Open gym experience for families
Live Music Kelowna for local Pubs and Clubs